Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rick Warren to deliver invocation at Obama's inaguration.

More bad news. I was really hoping that Obama would be a progressive president but with his choice of putting Rick Warren "front and center at his inauration" raises my eyebrow.

As we've pointed out several times before, in 2004 Warren declared that marriage, reproductive choice, and stem cell research were "non-negotiable" issues for Christian voters and has admitted that the main difference between himself and James Dobson is a matter of tone. He criticized Obama's answers at the Faith Forum he hosted before the election and vowed to continue to pressure him to change his views on the issue of reproductive choice. He came out strongly in support of Prop 8, saying "there is no need to change the universal, historical defintion of marriage to appease 2 percent of our population ... This is not a political issue -- it is a moral issue that God has spoken clearly about." He's declared that those who do not believe in God should not be allowed to hold public office.

So why has this man been tapped to deliver the invocation at Obama's inaguration?

What the hell is Obama thinking???

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